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Fundraising for Your Youth Group

February 15, 2019 jill Blog
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From mission trips to summer camps to church concerts, your youth group ministry probably has a whole list of projects and activities you want to raise money for.

Let’s face it, fundraising can be difficult for youth groups without the right ideas to grab the attention of the entire congregation and express your need. But it’s possible!

Create a Text-to-Tithe Campaign

Church fundraising ideas like text-to-tithe have been around for many years—and are here to stay! Text tithing is so effective because congregants can give whenever and wherever they want.

For instance, if a congregant can’t make it to next Sunday’s sermon, she can give via her phone without having to be present when they pass the tithing plate around.

Youth groups can use this powerful tool to raise money, as well. Teenagers and adults are comfortable using their phones to communicate on a regular basis, so giving via text message will be familiar to them.

Thanks to an easy-to-use platform, congregants and youth group members alike can give to your cause via mobile phones.

This giving method is also beneficial for fundraisers because they can receive funds in just a couple of days and can pair text-to-tithe with other ideas to maximize their fundraising potential.

How do you get started?

It’s likely that your church already uses a text-to-tithe or mobile giving platform. Ask your church leaders to create a mobile donation form dedicated to youth group fundraising.

Or you can organize it so that all gifts on certain days of the week or month are used to fund youth group activities and projects.

If you’re going to launch a text-to-tithe campaign, the most important part is to promote your fundraiser.

Congregants may know they can give via text message, but they may not know those gifts will go toward supporting their church’s youth group.

You can use the following tactics to spread the word about your campaign:

Social media

Use your church’s social media accounts to let parishioners know about your campaign. Post information about the text-to-tithe process and details surrounding your fundraiser.

Church e-newsletter

If your church writes a newsletter to communicate with congregants, include a section about your campaign. Provide them with the number or shortcode they need to text.

Announcements at sermons

Have your pastor make an announcement at the end of each sermon to encourage people to give. Better yet, ask if a few youth group members can say a few words during sermons about why this fundraiser is important.

The bottom line is you should make use of the tools your church already has in place.

Create a dedicated mobile donation page or launch a text-to-give campaign and promote it across multiple channels.

This information is courtesy of DipJar, which enables cashless generosity via a hardware, software, and payments platform for joyful, friction-free donations,

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