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Faith Formation Resources with a Lasting Impact

  Choosing what to use to help you carry out the extraordinary task of helping children form their faith can be a daunting task. However, with the right questions in hand and a deep knowledge of your ministry, you can discern what is right for you and the children in your ministry. The purpose of

Digital Ministry Is Incarnational Ministry

  There is one theologian who has shaped my ministry more than any other, and she’s probably not who you would expect. She has red hair, an eclectic group of friends, and believes in music as an essential aspect of how we express our thoughts and feelings. Yes, I am talking about Ariel, from the

10 Steps for Winter Bus Maintenance

  Extreme temperatures, whether sweltering hot or freezing cold, can wreak havoc on church vehicles. Cold weather, in particular, isn’t just inconvenient—it can be downright deadly if regular maintenance hasn’t been addressed. And because church vehicles typically aren’t used every day, they can often get overlooked. To avoid unnecessary risks, it’s essential to winterize your

Managing the Energy “Multiplier”

   Thankfully, we have no shortage of information when it comes to energy saving related projects that churches can take on these days to meet their planned facility objectives. Whether it’s an attempt at overall operational cost cutting, a proactive approach towards going “green,” reducing emissions, or some combination of each, we’ve gotten remarkably better

Acoustic Treatments for Different Types of Worship Spaces

  If you want your worship space to sound its best, you need to understand how to improve acoustics. Sound is a complicated thing, contributing to either a truly immersive and impactful experience or an experience full of noise distractions and poor sound intelligibility. The right acoustic treatments can do a lot of good for

Impact of Church Apps on Volunteer Coordination and Event Management

  Technology plays a crucial role in church operations by streamlining administrative tasks and facilitating seamless communication among leaders, members, volunteers, and staff. The development of church apps stands out as one of the most significant advancements in church technology. Church apps are revolutionizing the way churches manage volunteers and organize events. They offer a

Emergency Communication Plans for Churches

  In an emergency, clear and effective communication is critical to ensure the safety and well-being of your congregation. An emergency communication plan allows your church to quickly and efficiently relay important information, coordinate responses, and provide reassurance. This article will guide you through creating and implementing an emergency communication plan tailored to your church’s

Eagle Brook Church

  Eagle Brook Church (EBC) and BWBR partnered to renovate the former River City Baptist Church in downtown Minneapolis. EBC selected this site as an opportunity to be in the lively downtown area and to keep the property in the church community. Originally built in 1885 with significant additions over the past century, the existing

Choosing the Right Vacation Bible School Curriculum

  By God’s grace, Vacation Bible School remains one of the most impactful, available programs for congregations to reach people in their communities with the gospel. VBS is a fun, immersive experience for students that whisks them away to another world where they can intently focus on God’s truth in life-transforming ways. If your congregation

Why Churches Should Embrace Wireless Audio

  In today’s fast-paced, technology-driven world, churches are constantly seeking ways to enhance the worship experience for their congregations. One of the most effective ways to modernize and improve the delivery of services is by taking advantage of technological leaps that are being made in the wireless audio space. Such systems can provide flexibility, convenience,
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