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Five Things Parents Look for in a Daycare

August 1, 2017 jill Blog

Parents realize the importance of selecting the right care facility for their children since their choice of childcare center will have a major impact on their children’s lives. They want a place where their children will be comfortable and have fun, but that will also benefit and assist with their child’s development.

Here are five things parents look for when choosing a childcare center.

1. Aesthetics

When parents are touring childcare facilities to find a suitable center for their children, it’s important to make a great first impression. While you obviously won’t always have a brand-new building, the building should be kept up-to-date and well-maintained so that it appears clean and fresh.

Select paint colors that will create a positive and happy atmosphere, choose fun and comfortable flooring, and organize toys strategically and neatly in specific areas of each room. Find wall decals and decorations that will also add to the mood and make each day fun and exciting for the children.

2. Staffing

Parents want to know that their children will be safe and will enjoy their time with the staff at your center. It’s important to ensure that you hire staff who are good with children and who love working with them. Parents will want to feel comfortable and at ease with the educators who work with their children, ensuring that they will be safe under their supervision.

Closely monitor how your staff members work with the children, and be sure to deal with any concerning behavior promptly. Staff members who deal with a disobedient or disruptive child in a calm and efficient manner will be sure to make a lasting impression on the parents.

3. Organization

When arriving at a childcare center, parents want to see that things are organized and running smoothly. It’s important to hire a capable director/supervisor in order to ensure that your center is well-run and organized.

Classes should be properly organized and you need to ensure that the ratio of teachers to children meets government requirements at all times. Your teachers should also be equipped to answer questions and provide solutions to concerns that parents may raise.

Once parents decide to send their children to your center, registration should be a smooth and simple process. Software programs provide centers with a customizable online registration form that streamlines the process of registration for the parents, and automates the entry of this information into the software.

4. Security

Dropping their little ones off for the day is tough for parents, so knowing that their children are safe and well taken care of will help to give them peace of mind. Utilizing technology can help ensure that processing like signing children in and out of the center are done securely.

Software programs include a timeclock feature that requires parents to sign their child(ren) in and out of the center using secure passcode. Parents can even request an automated email alerting them whenever their child is signed in and out of the center. Help parents enjoy their day knowing that their children are safe at the center they chose.

5. Cost

Cost is another important factor for parents to consider. Childcare is expensive and difficult for many families to afford. It is important that your pricing is appropriate and reflects the demographic of parents who will be sending their child(ren) to your center.

Government subsidies are available for many parents to help make childcare affordable. Ensure that you understand how the subsidies work so that you can explain this option to your parents and point them in the appropriate direction for assistance.

This information is courtesy of Sandbox, an innovative software package for childcare providers,


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