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Crosshaven Church

November 5, 2019 jill Blog


Planning for a new church can be difficult, especially with budget and time challenges.

This was what Jason Murphree, pastor of Crosshaven Church in Hanceville, Alabama, was expecting when deciding to build a two-story sanctuary and worship center with additional space for its youth and children’s ministry.

“We knew that we had budget limitations, that we had to build a metal building and we were under a time restraint. We had to be in by a certain date,” said Pastor Murphree.

Working together with his sales consultant and the Morton designBUILD team, they utilized a proven project delivery system to ensure the project was delivered smoothly.

“They had all the people in place to make that happen for us, and they were able to get us the information we needed. We were able to communicate with them and tell them this is what we’re looking for, and they would do that,” he said. “They helped us with building plans and helped us find the right plan for us. We sat down several times, and we tweaked things, and we changed things, and we were able to get exactly what we needed. And that process worked out very well. We worked hand in hand with the sales rep and even with architects.”

When planning for a place where his congregation could worship and grow, Pastor Murphree knew the exterior look of the building was a vital part of that plan. He was pleasantly surprised to discover the versatility in design that Morton could offer.

He said, “We knew we wanted a building that was attractive, something that was eye-catching, something that people would look at and say, ‘Hey, I might want to visit that church because it looks good on the outside.’ As we explored what different companies had to offer, we realized that Morton Buildings could build us a metal building that didn’t look like a box. We were excited about that. As you look at our facility, you’ll notice it’s very attractive and fits our area.”

By utilizing a project delivery approach through Morton designBUILD, it allowed for a more efficient design process, and Crosshaven achieved a lower overall cost of construction by building value into the project and seeking to eliminate costly change orders.

“We were able to still build within our budget. In fact, we came in under budget. And we were able to do that with a builder that built us a quality building that still looks brand new five years later,” Pastor Murphree said. “It looks the same as it did when we moved in. Morton has made it easy for us to get what we needed and did the bulk of the work for us.”

His advice for other church communities looking for a design and construction partner?

“You have to do your research. Make Morton Buildings part of that, and I think you’ll really be surprised at what they can offer. You’ll find something that will be quality and something you can be proud of,” he said.

Visit for more information on Morton Buildings and photos of Crosshaven Baptist Church. 
