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The Hills Church

September 11, 2023 jill Blog
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At The Hills Church in North Richland Hills, Texas, the project challenge for Shanks Architects was to remodel an existing worship center to meet the expectations of both a cappella and instrumental worship, while increasing seating capacity, improving sight lines, and enhancing the overall worship experience for the congregation.

By creatively using new materials and colors, replacing pews with theater seats, upgrading acoustics and adding the latest audio, video and lighting technology, Shanks Architects and Acoustic Dimensions have fulfilled the church’s vision for a modern worship space that accommodates both traditional a cappella and modern instrumental services.

Many upgrades to the Worship Center were realized, including a larger platform, a new state-of-the-art baptistery, and new integrated house and theatrical lighting systems.

A catwalk system, fire sprinkler system and new acoustical cloud ceilings were added.

The room capacity was increased from 2,000 seats in pews to 2,340 seats in theater seats.

Shanks Architects is a team of creative professionals with shared passion for the communities in which we work, play, raise families, and worship,

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