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The Church at Brook Hills

April 10, 2023 jill Blog


Established in 1990, The Church at Brook Hills in Birmingham, Alabama, is a faith family devoted to helping one another love Jesus, grow in Jesus, and make disciples of Jesus in Birmingham and among all nations.

The design concept for The Church at Brook Hills is centered on the philosophy that what happens inside and outside the walls of the church is infinitely more important than what the building “looks like.”

Third places are places besides home (the first place) and work (the second place), that connect people and create community. Third places are important for engagement and are “anchors” of community life that facilitate and foster broader, more creative interaction.

Twenty years after Phase One of design and construction, the relationship between the church, contractor (JohnsonKreis Construction) and architect (LIVE Design) remained strong, resulting in the original team reuniting to complete the third phase, a 43,000-square-foot addition.

This third phase was an integration of combining new construction with 20-year-old existing construction to create one unified space.

The expanded children’s space includes new worship space, small group classrooms, and a secure and visitor friendly check-in.

The new commons space created space for people to socialize between services, providing an opportunity they hadn’t had in 20 years.

The commons café also provides additional multipurpose space.

“One thing that has always stood out about LIVE Design is their ability to listen and hear what we are saying we need,” said Donnie Arrant, associate pastor/administrator. “The process for designing a project is fun and exciting!”

LIVE Design Group is an Architect + Interior Design firm helping growing organizations take back their creative freedom, maximize their resources, and expedite the design process,

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