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Church on the Move

August 5, 2021 jill Blog


From Temporary Facility to Permanent Spiritual Home

Church on the Move’s South Broken Arrow campus was struggling with their temporary facility, which was impeding the growth of their ministry. They needed more parking and kids’ classrooms.

The church found an existing 24,000-square-foot space in a shopping center that, when finished, will give them the freedom to expand and spread the Word.

Designing for a Contemporary Congregation

Church on the Move has previously managed their own construction projects, but they saw value in Churches By Daniels’ Design-Build Model.

They wanted to work with an architect and a team that would design to fit their budget and would streamline the process and timeline.

Campus pastor Ethan Vance and lead church pastor Whit George wanted a modern, simplistic design with a bright, open, and welcoming atmosphere, especially in the children’s area.

The pre-construction planning process involved developing a multipurpose use of the space, as well as applying for zoning permissions from the city. The existing facility is not large, so the layout required some creative thinking.

Overcoming Unique Challenges

The first thing the Churches By Daniels team had to do was work with the church to overcome local zoning compliance. They developed and shared full schematic floor plans to meet city regulations and were granted special use permits by the city.

Once approved, they added structural support and moved several columns to open the sanctuary and lobby for a more expansive feel.

As they continue work retrofitting the building, their plans are to ensure that the existing facility is functional, inviting, and serves a full 550-seat sanctuary of congregants.

Churches By Daniels saved Church on the Move some unnecessary costs by reusing many nice fixtures like lighting and plumbing that were part of the existing space.

The project began in February of 2021 and is expected to be completed this month.

Churches By Daniels, Inc. has been building churches since 1980. Over the years, they have served pastors and commercial developers from coast to coast with an unwavering focus on quality craftsmanship and commitment to their clients,

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