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Can Your Church Management Software Help Growth?

July 1, 2019 jill Blog
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Every church should be using a church management software that works with their type of church philosophy.

Church management software is a computer software (that works both online and offline) designed to help manage, automate and organize church daily operations. But it can actually do more than that.

This type of church software assists churches and other religious organizations in the management and automation of daily operations. These packages are used in the management of membership, mailings, finances, fundraising, events, report generation, and directory publishing. Churches use this type of software to reduce the cost of operations and track their congregations.

It also helps in making certain decisions; related data will be necessary to support that decision.

It can handle processes such as databases, it can help manage communication, community growth of each member and events. It can also aid in selecting volunteers using S.H.A.P.E., a spiritual gifts assessment church growth tool.

You see, you stand to gain a lot with church management software.

Okay, let’s put it in perspective. CMS helps to:

* Focus and streamline common administrative tasks. You probably need that in your church.

There’s no need to burden you mechanically with church administration; church management software helps with that.

* Track, deploy and manage resources. Resource management is a big thing in church. People, funds, and contributions are what make a church, and you have got to learn to manage these resources correctly. Church management software does that.

* Foster communication and connectivity. Communication is the lifeblood of every community.

Your church is a community, and church management software ensures effective communication and connection within the structure and community of the church.

* Monitor growth and also development of the worshipers individually and collectively.

What Is Church Growth?

How do you handle growth? And what about the personal development of worshipers?

Church management software will help you with that. It makes the whole process of church growth more effective. Some may think that a church management software is not a key factor in growing a church.

Did you know:

* 6,000 to 10,000 churches close in the U.S. each year. That means between 100 – 200 churches close a week.

* 65% of churches are declining and 35% are growing.

With all these statistics, it seems that churches are not growing as people think they are. Church leaders are looking for solutions to this problem.

Even mega churches come to a point where they plateau or start declining in number. This shows that beyond the first visit, church systems and processes are needed.

It doesn’t matter where you are located; this issue exists everywhere.

It seems there is an understanding that to grow a church you need to get a new building, add new technology, merge with another church, or have a good evangelistic program and so on. If this was so, then many of the churches today would be growing, but they are not.

Churches are made up of people. Churches need to grow spiritually and in number.

There is a verse in 1 Corinthians 3:7 states that God gives the growth. Then there are those that plant the seed and water it. We can say that the seed planter is the evangelist and the one who waters is the pastor/teacher.

Now this applies to spiritual growth. There is spiritual growth and also growth in number. There needs to be some kind of a process to keep the people coming back.

Can church management software help in growing a church in number? Yes and no. Good church management software is only a church growth tool to help in the process.

A good church management system should be able to:

* Track the growth of the person attending.

* Have the necessary information by using the S.H.A.P.E. principle to help place a volunteer in the right ministry.

* Have the right contact information to keep in touch.

* Help with the assimilation process, from first time visitors to fully engaged members

* Keep track of the needs of each person attending so they can be ministered to.

* Keep track of donations.

* Help with organizing events.

* Track the growth of each ministry or small group.

These are just a few features of a good church management system. Church management software should be more than a basic contact information database.

This information is courtesy of Church Growth Software, an affordable, easy-to-use tool that incorporates church growth principles within the program,



