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Power of Clean Energy (PCE) Brings Lighting Solution to Hermitage Hills Baptist Church

  Hermitage Hills Baptist is a church based in Nashville, Tennessee. For the last three years, Mike Brown, the facility manager, has been serving the church and working to improve the campus. We interviewed Brown about his experience working with PCE. How did the church first hear about Power of Clean Energy? When I started

Christ Episcopal Church

  In 1952, Christ Episcopal Church of Reading, Pennsylvania, had a series of 51 Mondrian-style windows installed in their attached Parish Hall. The original 60” h. x 38” w. windows featured a single pane, stained glass and metal frames design that was visually interesting. However, over time, they had lost their functionality, becoming drafty and

Energy, Mission and the Local Church

  “Fulfilling God’s mission for His Kingdom’s sake starts with the recognition that the place where we are standing is Holy ground.” –Rich Elliott (Facility Director at First UMC Marietta) Did you know that churches in the U.S. spend nearly $10 billion on energy and maintenance of their facilities? Did you know that, according to
Wick Buildings Square
Religious Product