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Choosing the Right Vacation Bible School Curriculum

  By God’s grace, Vacation Bible School remains one of the most impactful, available programs for congregations to reach people in their communities with the gospel. VBS is a fun, immersive experience for students that whisks them away to another world where they can intently focus on God’s truth in life-transforming ways. If your congregation

Vacation Bible School: Prep for Next Year Now

  Are you counting down the days until your VBS kit arrives in the mail? It’s like Christmas morning for a VBS director, finally getting to open that kit! VBS is months away, and a bulk of the VBS planning doesn’t take place until closer to the event. But you can get started prepping now.

Measuring VBS Success

  By Amanda Lewis I love to hear stories of the wonderful things that happen during VBS. Unfortunately, there are also stories of things not so wonderful. After VBS, reviewing what worked, what did not, how God moved, where Satan was present, and much more is a key step to recognizing godly success. It is

10 Tips for Serving at VBS This Summer

  Vacation Bible School is fun, exhilarating, and crazy all at the same time. Your church has spent weeks, if not months, preparing. And why? Because you’ll have the opportunity to impact the lives of kids and their families for eternity. No matter your area of responsibility during VBS, your job is important to the

Why Is VBS So Important?

  By Mimi Bullock Vacation Bible School is the perfect way to immerse visitors into your unique church culture, and VBS provides a wide opportunity for volunteers to work in children’s ministry. It’s time to shine for Jesus! Who’s ready to party? Here are three reasons why Vacation Bible School is important. #1 Hello, Jesus

Rethinking VBS

  The new VBS Playbook from Orange VBS spotlights nine churches and how they adapted their Vacation Bible School last year in the midst of a pandemic. The Playbook was created to walk you through all the possibilities they discovered for VBS curriculum. For all nine ideas, you can download the complete VBS Playbook by

How to Plan for 2021 VBS

  By Melita Thomas In this strange season of unprecedented circumstances, we’ve all found ourselves needing to get creative with different aspects of church ministry. Programming needs and methods have shifted, but the mission of the church has not changed. The gospel has not changed, nor has our desperate need of it. I am convinced

How to Sync Your Vacation Bible School with Your Church Management Software

  When it comes to Vacation Bible School, there’s usually both excitement and anxiety when you think about all that has to be done. As one of the largest outreach events at your church, planning for VBS can be overwhelming. However, utilizing a church management system for Vacation Bible School can help to make your

9 Tips for Choosing a VBS Program

  By Janelle Hoos VBS is an important part of children’s ministry. It is an opportunity to reach out to the children in your community. It’s a chance to build relationships. Most importantly, it’s an opportunity to share the gospel with children. How do you choose a VBS that will help you do that? How

7 Simple Summer Ideas for Student Ministry

By Tim Price In many ways, summers can still be carefree for students. Of course, there is some travel and sports, but not every student is gone every day. Summer months provide a great opportunity to build relationships, form community, be out a bit later, enjoy some warmer weather activities and help keep students connected.

74 Tips for a Great Vacation Bible School

   This article was originally published in the December 2007 issue.   It is courtesy of Vacation Bible School Nut, If you’re reading this article, you’re excited, scared, nervous, or a combination of all three. You’re about to embark on a thrilling journey, because there’s no greater outreach ministry to children than Vacation Bible School.

The Importance of Setting Goals for Vacation Bible School

  This article originally appeared in the December 2009 issue. By Peg Arnold Peg Arnold is VBS editor for Regular Baptist Press, Vacation Bible School is more than a few days of fun for kids and more than a week of Bible stories and crafts, games and snacks, singing, laughter, and lots of fun.

10 VBS Ideas to Infuse Strategic Thinking Into Your Church

By Scott Ball As a kid, I have very few memories more vivid than of spending a week in Vacation Bible School. I would attend two weeks: one at my church and one at my best friend’s church. I remember the week at my friend’s church the most because it was different. As a part

Vacation Bible School for All Ages?

  This article originally appeared in the December 2011 issue. By Jonathan Norris Jonathan Norris is marketing coordinator for Regular Baptist Press, Are you looking for an event that brings the whole church together and results in spiritual and numerical growth in one week’s time? Consider Vacation Bible School for all ages! The benefits

9 Practical Tips for Teaching Vacation Bible School

By Brandon Bramlett Being one of the greatest evangelistic outreaches from the local church, Vacation Bible School takes a lot of planning, promotion, and preparation. There are cooks, counselors, decorators, teachers, and many other positions to fill to make VBS a success. I have a passion for teaching and for training teachers, and below I

Making the Most of Your VBS Experience

  This article originally appeared in the December 2006 issue. By Mary Grace Becker Mary Grace Becker is senior product developer for NexGen Team, a division of Cook Communications Ministries, The month of December with its bright Christmas lights and thermometer dip may not seem the best time to think about Vacation Bible School.
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