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Exploring Innovative Digital Display Options for Houses of Worship

  In today’s landscape, houses of worship are increasingly leveraging advanced display technologies to expand their reach and streamline operations. From audio amplification systems to online platforms for remote worship, religious institutions have embraced various tools to effectively communicate messages to congregants. The integration of display technologies not only adds a sense of freshness but

LifeQuest Church Finds “Perfect” Projector to Fit Its Needs

  Outside of Kansas City, Missouri, is LifeQuest Church, otherwise known as the “Perfect Church for Imperfect People.” Led by Pastor Chris Pinion, Worship & Student Pastor Tim Goulet, and Creative Pastor Jordan Mills, LifeQuest Church has created an environment that invites everyone for in-person and now live-streamed services. Living in the digital age, the

Optimizing Your Church Presentation for Visitors

  By Brandon Hadley Seeing your church through the eyes of a first-time visitor is an important discipline. It enables you to ask valuable questions like: Does this make sense to someone new? Does this practice serve attendees at the expense of visitors? How can this element be improved in order to make them feel

Achieve Your Hybrid Worship Goals with a Connected Ecosystem of AV Tech

  While there was a time when hybrid worship appeared temporary, 81% of churches now say they will continue offering services in a hybrid format for the foreseeable future. Expanding both in-person and remote attendance levels can be challenging. Growing both audiences centers on creating an engaging worship service and building a sense of community

Immersive Displays Can Bring Your Congregation Closer Together

  By Kevin Christopherson Over the last few years, technology has become a progressively important player in houses of worship, changing the methods of interactivity in religious ceremonies and programs. Video displays, including dvLEDs, projectors and interactive boards are playing an important role in offering new opportunities to engage congregants and enhance the overall worship

Church Stage Design 101

  By David May When thinking about church stage design and church presentations, it can seem like there are endless elements you need to think about. It may even be overwhelming looking at the countless church stage design ideas and different possibilities online. But it’s important to remember that every church is different, and you

North Phoenix Baptist Church Sees the Light with Severtson Projection Screens

  October 17, 2021, marked a very special day for North Phoenix Baptist Church (NPHX Church) in Arizona. Seventy-five years prior to this very significant date, the congregation was founded. Two decades ago, NPHX Church brought in a team to renovate and update some of the facility’s production systems. At the time, budget and technology

Create a Cohesive Look with Your Worship Presentation Software

  By Ben Wagner No matter what operating system you use or whatever projection software your ministry is taking advantage of for your church services, creating a cohesive look and feeling for that presentation is a key proponent to a successful “big screen” display. As many know, PowerPoint has long been a staple in presentation

Digital Projection Lets the Light Shine at Lighthouse World Outreach Center

  For many small and rural towns, it’s often the local church that serves not only as a place of spiritual enrichment, but also provides fellowship and a sense of community to the residents. This is particularly the case in Monroe, Georgia, where Lighthouse World Outreach Center has been passionately serving the community for nearly

4 Ways to Enhance Contemporary Worship with Technology

  Do you see glazed-over eyes and drooping heads when you look into the congregation during your church’s worship services? Corporate worship is one of the most important markers of what a church is, yet it can be easy to get into a groove . . . that turns into a rut. However, there are

How to Select Projection Screens for Your Church

  By Dave Rodgers This simple task will become a big deal if you do something wrong. Here’s some advice from a professional manufacturer. Hint – You don’t need to pay the most to get the best. A church’s projection display is as important as the pulpit is. Count on it; the congregation’s eyes will

How AV Technology Is Reshaping the Modern Church

  By Warren Osse For many years, traditional churches were built with the goal of reinforcing natural speech. But as audiovisual (AV) technology has advanced, modern churches are being created with more auditorium and presentation-centric technology to aid both attendees and the worship leaders in the delivery of the message. In today’s contemporary worship service,

Why You Should Be Using Presentation Software

  By David May If you’re not familiar with church presentation software, you probably wonder if there’s a better way to display lyric slides, scripture text, and other media for your services. Maybe you’ve not even thought about software for the purpose of church projection being available. Well, it is available and has been for

Cleaning Your Video Projector

Throughout the year, we rely on our digital video projectors to quietly do their jobs. They hum away with their fans and blowers, happily projecting the content to enhance parishioners’ worshiping experience. While designed to maintain their functional temperature and brightness, they do need some attention from us. The beginning of the year is a

Church Lights Up Its Campus Using Environmental Projection with New Projectors

Members of the 1,500-person congregation who meet at Current – A Christian Church (Current) in Katy, Texas, on Sundays are familiar with the church’s mission to create a warm and welcoming environment for members and guests alike. Thanks to Evan Schwartz, lead worship & creative arts minister, and his team, each service is equipped with

A Second Look at Laser Projectors

By Darren Macdonald I read a tech forum post recently where a pastor asked fellow readers to comment on lamp vs. laser projectors. Almost immediately, a handful of salespeople flooded the comments with statements similar to “YES – only buy lasers.” Such biased and inexperienced responses are quite disturbing. Telling a church to buy a

Choosing Projectors for Sanctuaries

By Wayne Borg Technology keeps us connected these days. It is already enhancing the worship experience with the use of large screens and projectors to help people pray and sing. Microphones and elaborate sound systems make sure everyone can hear, whether you are sitting up close or all the way in the back. Services are

7 Design Principles for Powerful Presentations

You don’t need a professional designer on staff to craft an elegant presentation. We’ve pulled  together 7 principles that you can use to build powerful presentations—the kinds of presentations that pull people in and help them focus on your worship and message. 1. Fewer words, more attention It’s tempting to fit as much text onto
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