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Starting a Green Team at Your Church

  A Green Team (or Environmental Stewardship Team or Creation Care Committee) is a core group of people in a congregation who are committed to raising awareness about the urgent need to protect God’s Creation and to work for environmental sustainability and responsibility. Green Teams develop sustainability in church life by increasing energy efficiency and

Building in Good Faith: The Financial Context

  By Fletcher Harper Religious institutions have a special call to stewardship of financial resources. Not merely are nearly all of those financial resources contributed, but to the highest extent possible, such resources ought to be dedicated to the fulfillment of the institution’s mission. How should religious groups think about dollars spent on green building?

Why More Facilities Are Choosing Electric Hand Dryers

By William Gagnon Imagine it like a prize fight: paper towels vs. hand dryers for the high-speed, energy-efficient, cost-effective, hygienic hand-drying championship of the world. The fact is, when it comes to an eventual decision about the way to dry hands after washing, it’s not much of a contest. Across the globe, facilities of every

Why More Churches Are Building Green

By Bruce Brown Today, many churches are building green, environmentally friendly worship centers and auxiliary buildings. Churches are building green structures for the same reasons commercial and industrial builders— it simply makes sense. Choosing building products with the smallest possible environmental impact is the primary goal of all green building, including religious facilities. 3 Reasons

Church Chooses Recycled Play Structure for Community Build

Based in Acworth, Georgia, Four Points Church was founded September 14, 2008. Their mission is to gain disciples and change the lives of people through spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They seek to do this through their four points: love, devotion, passion, and legacy. The church describes its worship as God-focused, authentic, and contemporary.
Religious Product
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