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5 Tests to See if Your Church Is Ready for Asset-Based Fundraising

  Asset-based giving seems to have had a slow learning curve and adoption rate within the church community. But the biggest obstacle boils down to a simple question: Does this help our people or does this feel like a fundraising fad? Of course, there are several significant benefits of asset-based stewardship strategies: Asset-based giving can

Fundraising in a Pandemic

  When the pandemic hit, Holy Cross Greek Orthodox Church of Whitestone in Queens, New York, was in need of emergency fundraising. For a solution, they turned to Cave Company, a 116-year-old company based in New York, run by third-generation owner Gregory Cave for the past 40 years. They selected the company’s flagship product, Tree

6 Financial Challenges Your Church Can Avoid

By Scott Noble What’s one challenge pastors and ministry leaders face that their education rarely prepares them for? It’s a topic that’s infrequently offered in Bible school or seminary. You don’t see this course title next to Theology I or Old Testament II or Introduction to Greek. Yet it’s an issue all leaders—and their churches—face.

Fundraising for Your Youth Group

From mission trips to summer camps to church concerts, your youth group ministry probably has a whole list of projects and activities you want to raise money for. Let’s face it, fundraising can be difficult for youth groups without the right ideas to grab the attention of the entire congregation and express your need. But

Raising Money to Buy New Transportation

By Dick Raddatz So, you want a new church bus but don’t have the money to pay for it? No problem! Raising thousands of dollars is never easy, but it can be done efficiently if you follow four steps to success. 1. Organize, Organize, Organize! An active and motivated fundraising committee is critical to your

17 Church Fundraising Ideas

With church fundraising so often falling on the shoulders of the staff and elders, don’t overlook the opportunity to get all church members to be involved! Below, you’ll find strategies that are church-led, those that individuals can take the lead on, as well as ideas for small groups, youth groups, and families. 1. Start a

"Re-Thinking" Mission Trips

By Teresa Kelly Many challenges face groups that want to undertake a mission trip. The need for passports and visas, dealing with logistics in an unfamiliar country, and planning activities while respecting the nuances of specific cultures can overwhelm even the best of intentions. While the need for foreign missions is immense and the experiences
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