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Southbrook Church

Southbrook Church is part of a network of Christian-based churches serving the metro-Milwaukee area. Situated on 20+ acres of land in Franklin, Wisconsin, Southbrook is an active and growing community. A few years ago, the church elders began looking at expanding their current facility to accommodate its population, which had grown from 225 to 850

Cross Lutheran Church

By Emily Matchey Cross Lutheran Church of Roberts, Wisconsin, held a dedication service on Sunday, December 17, 2017, for a renovation and new addition to their facility. This celebration was fantastic and meaningful for many, particularly for architect Tim Peterson of Peterson Design Studio and Bill Derrick of Derrick Building Solutions. Cross Lutheran worked with

Brightmoor Christian Church

Located in Novi, Michigan, along M-5 highway, Brightmoor  Christian Church wanted to highlight their presence to those passing by. The old building was traditional brick with small windows and little to no visibility into the building’s interior. “People driving by thought we were just a school, or worse, an office building,” said Gary Jonna, chairperson

Immanuel Presbyterian Church

Founded in 1837, Immanuel Presbyterian Church is the oldest congregation in the city of Milwaukee. The present church was constructed in 1873 and features Gothic style architecture. In 1958, the congregation expanded its footprint by constructing a detached two-story building, which for many years served as an education space for its youth. This separate structure,
Wick Buildings Square
Religious Product