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How Churches Unintentionally Turn a Blind Eye to Safety

  By Craig Cable I travel all around the country leading church safety trainings for churches of all sizes and can testify that most churches are safety conscious. They perform background checks, have evacuation plans, and worry about active shooters. These are all good things. The problem is when churches hyper-focus on one threat exclusively.

A Guide to Managing Your Church’s Volunteer Background Checks

As a church leader, you should make sure to use a church volunteer background check when screening for sensitive volunteer roles. What exactly is a background check? A background check is a screening procedure, often requested by employers or organizations that work with volunteers. The organization carrying out the background check will typically search public

7 Critical Essentials for Church Security

This article originally appeared in the January 2015 issue. This information is courtesy of ACTIVE Network, which produces Fellowship One software for churches, You were called to be ambassadors of peace and safety. Once upon a time, the lack of peace and safety church leaders worried about mostly happened somewhere else; occasionally in homes,

Operating a Church Security Ministry

By Dwayne Harris “Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God, which he bought with his own blood.” — Acts 20:28 Is church security an option or a mandate? Many pastors are fully aware of the various threats and

How to Choose a Reputable Background Check Company

By Mike McCarty It was not long ago that we would have been discussing how important it is to conduct background checks on prospective employees, volunteers and even existing employees. I am not saying that the ship has sailed, but most of you took notice and implemented a background screening program. Good for you. Now,

How to Spot a Predator – One Church’s Story

“Background checks are required, but statistics say that background checks only catch ten percent of predators. We knew our goal had to be to get the entire staff savvy on how to spot predators.” – Executive Pastor Donald Pope of First Baptist Church of Canton, Georgia In a bold move by a Georgia church, executive

How to Protect Children in Church Nurseries

  This article originally appeared in the October 2007 issue. By Kevin Hosey Kevin Hosey is marketing director for Long Range Systems, Since 1993, LRS has been providing on-site paging and management systems to churches and other industries worldwide. I have been attending churches since I was a little boy. Besides renewing my faith
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