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Church Transportation & Travel

Planning International Church Retreats

  Faith-based travel is booming. In recent years, it has grown by 20% annually. Today, over 300 million pilgrims embark on spiritual journeys each year. These faith-based retreats abroad offer potent opportunities to deepen spiritual connections and broaden cultural understanding. However, planning such a transformative experience can be daunting for church leaders and organizers. This

10 Steps for Winter Bus Maintenance

  Extreme temperatures, whether sweltering hot or freezing cold, can wreak havoc on church vehicles. Cold weather, in particular, isn’t just inconvenient—it can be downright deadly if regular maintenance hasn’t been addressed. And because church vehicles typically aren’t used every day, they can often get overlooked. To avoid unnecessary risks, it’s essential to winterize your

On-Site Transportation Benefits and Options

  Temples, churches, mosques, synagogues and all houses of worship have one thing in common – each place hosts a congregation of people who attend these holy places as a part of their spiritual devotion. While many will focus their attention on the interior of the building – beautiful stained glass windows, comfortable seating for

Church Shuttle Bus Risk Management Camera Systems

  Church shuttle bus applications are the new “Highway Lottery” targets. The term “Highway  lottery” was used in the 1980s for those who would use any excuse or opportunity to try to capitalize on the highly valued public relations image of large corporations like UPS, McDonalds, Coke and many other companies whose company logo was

How to Have a More Intentional Mission Trip

  By Doug Franklin Your mission trip has the potential to be a great and impactful experience for the community you’ll serve and for your students. But there may be a disconnect between your goals for your trip and your students’ expectations. While you (and your students’ parents) may be excited for students to learn

Why Global Travel Ministries Enrich Faith and Strengthen Communities

  For faith communities, the worship center or church building serves as a sacred space, but the message within extends far beyond its walls. Travel ministries can bridge this gap, offering transformative experiences that nourish faith, foster connections, and empower individuals to serve. Here’s why incorporating a travel ministry into your ministry can be incredibly

Is the Bus Company You’re Chartering Licensed and Insured?

  Why you should thoroughly vet your bus company before you take a trip By Amy Nixon Your church group is going on a trip, and you are looking for a bus service to take you where you need to go. So, you Google “bus companies in XX city” and watch as various bus “companies”

Electrifying Church Transportation

  One such option of church transportation vehicles is electrifying. Electric vehicles (EV), or battery-electric vehicles (BEV), in the commercial bus and van industry are on the rise and the wave of the future. Battery-electric transit vehicles are moving toward widespread industry adoption, with major cities making commitments to zero-emission transportation. From tractor trailers to

Moving the Church Forward

  By Ron Haley At the close of the book of Matthew, the mission of the church is clearly stated: “…go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given

Changes in Bus Buying in the Last 20 Years

  By Gerrit Gustafson Twenty-one years ago, there was no Religious Product News! Hard to imagine, isn’t it? And 21 years ago, most churches were not even buying buses. They were using those ubiquitous 15-passenger vans. Vans to Buses That was until some statistics began to emerge that the 15-passenger vans, when loaded with 10

Short-Term Bookings: How to Successfully Execute the Industry’s Latest Trend

  Historically, we have seen retreats and conferences booking anywhere from 12 to 18 months out. However, recently that trend has shifted, and many events are being booked much closer to date…as little as 3-5 months out for mid-size retreats! We believe this shift is likely due to the economic climate and a planner’s fear

When Are Short-Term Mission Trips Most Effective?

  By Gord Nickerson When it comes to joining God in His global mission of making disciples who make disciples, instead of promoting the idea of cancelling your short-term mission trips, we should encourage church leaders to prayerfully and carefully plan and engage in more short-term mission trips and experiences that benefit everyone involved. What

7 Ways to Empower and Encourage Youth Before a Youth Mission Trip

  Beyond the details of planning for a youth service trip is one of its most essential elements: building enthusiasm. A youth mission trip may be one of the most positive and memorable experiences a young adult encounters. We need the youthful gifts of passion and creativity to align the church in the mission of

7 Tips to Find the Right Bus Dealer

  By Steve Henshaw When you’re looking for a church bus, it’s important that you have a reputable dealer who will represent you and assist in the process of buying, selling, and trading. The bus dealership you invest in should have years of experience. You want to avoid a company that is new to the

Acquiring the Right Vehicle for Your Church

  Looking to buy a church bus? The ongoing safety concern of 15-passenger vans is perhaps the most compelling reason why churches should choose a bus instead of a van for their transportation ministries. In 2005, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reissued a consumer advisory for users of 15-passenger vans. If your church continues

What to Consider When Purchasing a Church Bus

  Buying a church bus is a big undertaking, and one that comes with questions. What should you look for when considering purchasing a bus, especially if it is a used one? What are the benefits of buying new vs. used? If you are offering bus services for an organization, your considerations are different than

The Best Way Is to Get Away

  There are certain laws of physics that only apply when you are in a canoe. How else can you explain being upright and dry and then moments later, with seemingly no explanation, be upside down in freezing cold water? I was introduced to canoe physics on the St. Francis River in southeast Missouri while

Do You Make These Mistakes When Planning Youth Mission Trips?

  The No. 1 priority should be to keep youth members safe. Here are three common mistakes that could put them at risk. Lack of Planning and Preparation Even if your group is full of missionary veterans, without careful and detailed planning, even the most experienced members can get tripped up. Here are some areas

Rebooting Short-Term Mission Trips

  By Dan Bouchelle One of the side effects of the Coronavirus pandemic has been the quashing of short-term mission (STM) trips. In a flash, a $5 billion-dollar-a-year industry came to a screeching halt. This has been devastating to organizations focusing on STMs and has interrupted a lot of important work. That said, STMs were

Short-Term Missions in a Virtual World

  By Rhonda Dahlin This season of COVID-19 travel restrictions can transform the way we view and participate in short-term missions. All too often, the way we view our mission experiences has been about “doing” trips. These trips (if they help to meet the needs of partners) are great! But consider the value of “being”

Why Buy a Bus for Your Church?

  By Daryl Tarver If a church wants to grow, it doesn’t have the luxury of taking a “But we’ve always done it that way” approach. To keep moving forward, you need to be able to transport your congregation wherever they can be of service. These are three of the best reasons to buy a

Driving Your Mission Further

  Here are three ways to help protect your members while out on the road. Whether it’s community outreach initiatives, youth group field trips or day-to-day transportation, your worship center is on the move. Coordinating these outings may seem as simple as grabbing the keys and hitting the road, but shortcuts on safety can mean

Ways to Buy a Bus

  By Gerrit Gustafson The single biggest barrier for churches to buy a bus is financing. But with a little work and creative thinking, just about any barrier can be overcome. If your church can’t afford to buy a bus outright, here are four other ways to come up with the money to purchase a

Benefits of Electric Shuttles and Golf Carts for Church Transportation

  Transportation requirements at places of worship vary. Depending on the size of your church’s property, you might need reliable, efficient forms of transportation for your congregation, staff or for security purposes. You may also desire vehicles to transport parishioners and visitors around your church campus or summer camp. For instance, outer lying parking lots

Events Aren't Dead, Just Different

  Everyone in the event industry was holding their breath last year to see what else 2020 would unleash. Events got smaller and harder as gathering restrictions increased their grip. But in-person events aren’t a thing of the past…yet. While some people may believe that the transitions made in 2020 will be the undoing of how we

What Makes Youth Mission Trips Important Right Now

  By Mike Rhoades Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, it was estimated that upwards of 2.4 million people from the United States went on a short-term mission trip each year. Say what you will about short-term missions, that number represents a huge number of people who are actively sharing Christ’s love throughout the world and

The Best Way to Make Youth Mission Trips Both Safe and Impactful

  By Shawn Yingling Youth mission trips can provide a wealth of benefits to both teen members and the community they choose to serve. However, as with any travel, mission trips bear inherent risks. While extensive planning and research is essential to any trip, there is one other key factor to ensuring a successful outreach

Is Your Church Group Traveling Again Soon?

  By Jacob Eckeberger With summer quickly approaching, you might already be planning through your next youth group trip or choir tour. But with COVID impacting so many areas of church ministry, it’s more important than ever to review your safety polices for travel to ensure they take into consideration this year’s new limitations. For

Tips for Sanitizing Your Church Bus 

  It has never been more important to diligently clean and sanitize your church buses than it is today. It is easy to remember to clean surfaces, yet we often forget about the larger issue: the cabin air. The tiniest particles of viruses and bacteria remain suspended in the air for a long time and are

How Your Bus Can Benefit Homebound Church Members

  By Kayla Graham Social isolation and depression are just some of the feelings homebound or shut-in church members are experiencing due to the COVID-19 pandemic. With church services cancelled or moved to remote, it is easy for senior members to feel unstimulated or emotionally down. With proper CDC safety precautions and state guidelines followed,

Adapting Customer Experience in the New Transportation Era

  By Ron Haley Consumer attitudes about personal mobility and commercial purchases are being shaped significantly by the COVID-19 pandemic and felt across the transportation sector. The pandemic, the lockdown and social distancing mandates have disrupted the consumer habits of buying as well as shopping. The speed with which these impacts have been felt is

Cleaning and Sanitizing Your Church Bus

  By Robert Kravitz In the professional cleaning industry, what we are learning about COVID is that preventing the spread of this disease is only as effective as the weakest link. This means that church leaders need to realize that to protect their congregants’ health, not only must the church be cleaned and sanitized, but

Buying Insurance for a Mission Trip

  A cell phone network that works great at home may not offer the kind of coverage you’re used to when you travel. In the same way, insurance that meets your needs in your hometown may not fit the bill when you are on the road or across the ocean. For this reason, most mission

Five Tips to Ensure a Perfect Pilgrimage

  Traveling is educational, exciting and fun. Thanks to modern technologies, it has never been easier to explore the world. According to the United Nation’s World Tourism Organization (UNTWO), 1.5 billion international tourist arrivals were recorded in 2019. Every trip abroad is unique and memorable in its own way; however, for a devout Christian, nothing

Why Your Congregation Needs a Church Bus

  Church communities do a lot more than worship together. They bring people together for both religious and fun activities, not to mention missionary and humanitarian work throughout their community. However, the larger and more active your church community is, the more likely you are to need a church bus or shuttle to transport your

Why Buy a Used Bus?

  Let’s look at the top five benefits of buying a used bus! Cost Efficient Purchasing a new bus may be more exciting…after all, who doesn’t love that new car smell? However, excitement may not be what helps your bottom line the most. Cost A used bus could cost just one-third of what a new

4 Things to Be Doing Before Your Next Mission Trip

  By Zac Condie Preparing your group for a mission trip requires significant planning and attention to detail. From fundraising to airfare to packing lists, there are a lot of boxes that must be checked off before you can mobilize your team to serve in a different context. It’s easy to get so caught up

Thoughts on Buying a Bus for Your Church

  By Kevin Swan The process of securing and buying transportation for your churches takes some basic steps of common sense. Dealership Purchase This would be the normal process and path to follow. However, bus dealerships are spread out throughout the country and most times many miles away from your church or regional location. Not

How Far Will Your Bus Warranty Take You?

First, some good news: Near the end of 2018, Starcraft Bus and Glaval Bus, two of the largest shuttle bus manufacturers in the country, increased their standard bus manufacturers’ warranty coverage from 3 years/36,000 miles to 5 years/100,000 miles. What that means is that if the air conditioner goes out in year four or five,

9 Questions to Ask Before Booking a Retreat Venue

By Kayla Crawford There are so many components that go into planning an event. One of the most important is where to host it. There are a multitude of venues all over the country that are perfect for overnight retreats. However, choosing one is not easy. Nothing sours an event quicker than hearing “I wanna

5 Ways a Youth Mission Trip Can Change Your Ministry

We love youth ministry…it’s why we lead mission trips for teens each summer.  We know youth workers face so many obstacles when it comes to discipling their students well, from budgets, to lack of volunteers, to the high expectations placed on students to perform. While we can’t solve all these problems, we know that spending

The Ultimate Christian Retreat Planning Checklist

Retreats are great resources for any church group or ministry organization. They can be used to provide training and education, to cultivate and strengthen relationships, and to give an outlet for recreation and fellowship. As valuable as a retreat can be, it requires a lot of advanced planning and preparation. The following checklist has been

10 Tips for Buying a Refurbished Bus

  This article first appeared in the January 2010 issue. This article is courtesy of The Bus Company, Considering buying a refurbished bus for your church’s transportation needs? Here are 10 considerations to factor into your selection process. Tip #1  Number of Passengers One of the most important elements to consider when purchasing your

How Church Groups Can Best Use Charter Bus Rentals

Charter bus rentals are one of the best ways for church groups to travel. A motor coach or mini bus can help your whole group arrive on time and at the same time to a variety of church events and functions. For many churches, group gatherings and travel are a vital part of their ministries

Raising Money to Buy New Transportation

By Dick Raddatz So, you want a new church bus but don’t have the money to pay for it? No problem! Raising thousands of dollars is never easy, but it can be done efficiently if you follow four steps to success. 1. Organize, Organize, Organize! An active and motivated fundraising committee is critical to your

What to Look for in a Bus Dealership

By Alison Wahl There are quite a few bus dealerships around the country, each seemingly with specific advantages. Unfortunately, most dealerships are several hundreds of miles apart and can be difficult to compare. How can you know which one is the best fit for your church? Exploring the following points can help you and your

5 Ways to Prepare Participants for Your Church Retreat

By Erin Culleny A church retreat is the perfect way to bring your congregation together in a new environment that allows for stronger bonds and growth. The destination and activities your group selects are just as important as the preparations. If church members have a general idea of what to expect, what they will need

Protecting Your Bus Investment

Your church has just made the decision and completed the purchase of your bus. Now, you have to think about protecting your bus investment. The region you are in will determine how much protection and what type of protection your new bus will need. If you live in northern states, salt on the roads and

6 Tips to Get Your Church Bus Road-Trip Ready

Fluids, tires, A/C, oh my! When it comes to getting your church bus road-trip ready, these are just a few items among a large list of things you’ll want to make sure are in good working condition before you and your church family hit the road. Check out our six tips for getting your church

3 Reasons to Do Short-Term Missions

There seems to be no shortage of folks who are eager to point out the possible pitfalls of mission trips. For starters, any ministry has possible pitfalls. However, just because there are possible pitfalls that come with the territory of engaging a particular ministry does not mean that we should avoid that type of ministry

Running an Annual Planning Retreat for Your Church

Most churches have meetings and retreats. And if the people attending those meetings and retreats were honest, they would say they were not as effective as they should be. In fact, you might even hear the phrase “waste of time” tossed around. No matter how well your church is organized, getting the right people together

More Than a Mission Trip

By Katie Jones A group of travelers, tan and tired, pile out of the church van. They had an amazing time. They never imagined that such poverty could exist. They have never felt so close to Jesus. Then, all too quickly, the feelings fade, old rhythms return, and life settles back to normal. It’s a

Austria: An Amazing Journey from Salzburg to Vienna

By Jonathan Panella & Kristen Gilbert It’s time to get ready. The year 2020 may seem like it’s a long time away, but the tiny Bavarian hamlet of Oberammergau is already preparing for their world-famous Passion Play. Travelers often secure their seats at the Passion Play far in advance since this is an event that

How to Grow Your Bus Ministry

By Tim Massengale Question: How can we see our bus ministry grow? We only have about six riders every Sunday. I want to see our bus filled up! Any suggestions? Answer: Yes! I suggest you plan at least six bus ministry attendance drives per year. Use a variety of methods. Here are some promotional methods

Why Have a Bus Ministry?

By James Rasbeary I love the bus ministry. I thank God for the bus ministry. For many years, the bus ministry was a staple in many independent Baptist churches. Now, many church buses have either been scrapped or parked in the tall grass behind the church. Perhaps we have forgotten the real purpose of running

The Many Benefits of Off-Site Retreats

Even for just one day, a retreat allows you to slow down, clear your mind, and center your vision on what truly matters; it’s hard to quantify the value of that kind of contemplative experience. But when you are gathered with peers from your faith community at a setting designed for spiritual growth for the

Church Trips Are Big Bus Business

By Tracey Buswell Simmons Bus trips are big business for many worship facilities. Some offer bus trips to attend special religious events, for youth camp trips, retreats and other weekend trips, and shuttles to airports or ship ports. Chartering a tour bus is one of the most popular and reliable modes of group transportation available

A Sea of Shuttles & Buses

Everyone has been called to be a fisher of men, from church leadership to the members of the congregation. We are surrounded by opportunities or schools of fish in our lives, and our mission is critical. Each church builds their communities, and it is imperative to have the resources available to do so. There are

5 Reasons to Use a Charter Bus Rental for Your Church Activity

Church activities are a crucial component of an active ministry. These activities often involve traveling to a location away from the church. This might be going to a service project, a church fun day outing, or a youth ministry opportunity. In all these cases, you will have to determine what type of transportation you will

Picking a Theme for Your Church Retreat

Having a central, driving theme is essential for a successful large event. It ties all the pieces of the retreat together, creates atmosphere, and makes it memorable for guests. Whether you’ve planned one-hundred events, ten, or only two, it’s always beneficial to evaluate your planning process. As you assess your method for theme selection and

Be Purposeful in Your Youth Mission Trip

By Doug Franklin We dream of trips that are intentional and lead to lasting change in the lives of our students. However, to make a trip purposeful, we have to hammer out more than the logistics. We have to design a trip experience that will challenge and stretch our students to grow as both disciples

"Re-Thinking" Mission Trips

By Teresa Kelly Many challenges face groups that want to undertake a mission trip. The need for passports and visas, dealing with logistics in an unfamiliar country, and planning activities while respecting the nuances of specific cultures can overwhelm even the best of intentions. While the need for foreign missions is immense and the experiences

Para-Transit Buses...Without the Lift!

Buses that accommodate wheelchair passengers – often called “para-transit buses” – have, up until now, required a mechanical lift to load the wheelchair passengers. These lifts operate like small elevators built into the buses. Those of you who currently have a para-transit bus in use know the routine. Turn the switch that opens the lift

Shuttle Bus Considerations

  This article originally appeared in the January 2012 issue. This article is courtesy of Mid America Coach, Here are the top 10 things you need to know about buying a used shuttle bus. Age Newer is always better. Mileage Used shuttles come out of all kinds of applications. Churches typically accumulate 6,000 –

Protecting Your Bus Ministry

  This article originally appeared in the November 2008 issue. By Larry Hipps Larry Hipps heads the Bring Them In Ministries, He is the president of the International Bus Ministry Association and the author of several books. In my line of work, I am often asked about permission slips and medical release forms when